John Madden


2355 Main Mall

Vancouver BC, V6T 1Z4

phone: 6048275306
work phone: 6048225949


MIT, 2000, PhD, Mechanical Engineering, BioInstrumentation Laboratory
McGill, 1995, MEng, Biomedical Engineering
UBC, 1991, BSc, Honours Physics

Research Interests

Artificial Muscle
– Conducting polymers, carbon nanotubes, and ultra-strong metal nanofibres
– Applied catheters.
Energy Storage
– Supercapacitors and batteries based on highly porous materials in collaboration with Epod Inc of Kelowna
Solar Cells
– Investigating the use of the proteins used in photosynthesis to generate electrical energy from light.
Organic Electronics
– Polymer transistors for printable circuits.


EECE 300 Molecules to Mechanisms
EECE 301 Topics in Nanotechnology and Microsystems
EECE 580 Emerging Electronic Materials


For an updated list of citations, visit my profile on Google Scholar.